Firefly Ownership Application
NOTE: All information is confidential and will be treated as such. Filling out a questionnaire does not guarantee you a puppy. The questionnaire is the beginning of the interview process and will be followed by telephone conversations and/or face to face interactions.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
What is your (and your spouse or significant other) occupation? Places of employment:
Please tell me about yourself, your family and living situation: What are your living arrangements? (House, rent, own, Condo, or Apartment) Do you have a securely fenced yard? If yes, what kind? (Physical fence or invisible fence). Urban? Suburban? Rural?
Do you have any pets in your home? If so what and how old?
Please provide a list of other dogs you’ve owned (breed, how long you had them for, any titles you put on them, etc).
What drew you to the boxer Breed?
Have you ever owned a boxer? If yes please provide breeder name and contact information.
Have you researched the health, behavior, and life expectancy of the Boxer breed? Please indicate what you expect and don’t expect in this breed.
Describe your ideal puppy’s personality. Please be specific.
Are you committed to caring for this dog for its lifetime?
Where will the dog stay during the day?
Where will the dog stay during the night?
Are you going to use a crate for this puppy?
Do you want your puppy for show potential, working potential,breeding potential, companion only?
Where will you be taking your puppy for obedience classes?
Who is your veterinarian? Please provide name of DVM and phone number.
Do you have a preference in the following: (Color, markings, sex, age,or no preference?)
Socialization in the first 16 weeks of a puppy’s life is crucial for development. How do you intend to socialize your puppy to meet its developmental needs?
What is your expected timeline to welcome home your new puppy?
If a circumstance should arise rendering you unable to care for your puppy/dog, do you agree to contact the breeder for assistance in finding a new suitable home?
Please provide 2 references (ie vet, other breeders, breed clubs, etc.)
If we do not have an appropriate puppy for you may we forward your completed questionnaire onto another reputable breeder?
Should be Empty: