Dinner is Served
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at JW House. Please use this form to sign up your group to provide dinner for our guests!
Group Name (e.g. Doe Family, St. Francis Church, Google Search Team)
Be as specific as you can. We will add this name to the printed menu under "Sponsored by:"
Group Organizer
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Email Address
Is this your first time volunteering at JW House? (If YES, please fill out the Address section below)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Choose one of the four options for Dinner is Served. In all cases, dinner should be ready in our kitchen by 5:00 pm (30-35 meals)
We will drop off dinner (5:00 pm)
We will order food and have it delivered, without staying to serve (5:00pm)
We will bring dinner and stay to serve and clean up (5:00-7:00 pm)
We will cook at JW House, serve and clean up (3:00-7:00 pm)
We will cook at JW House but will not stay to serve and clean up (3:00-5:00 pm)
If you selected to cook or serve at the house, how many people are in your group (6 max.) If you are not cooking or serving at the house, simply put 0
Note: All groups must have at least one person over 21 years of age.
Find a day that works for your group
Dinner Menu: Please type your menu below. If you don't know what you are providing yet, we will send you a reminder to submit it 4 days before your scheduled date.
Dinners generally include: Salad, Entrée, Side Dish, Bread, and Dessert. Please, include a vegetarian option.
Please verify that you are human
Should be Empty: