English (US)
Connections Mission Trip Planning Form
We are eager to begin preparations for your team’s upcoming short-term missions trip to Mexico. Please let us know as many details as possible. We realize that details such as arrival/departure times, number of people, etc. may change. Please help us in planning by providing as much information as possible. You may edit this form at any time with updated information. Thank you!
View Our Current Pricing List & Cancellation Policy
Contact & Basic Information
Today's Date:
Trip Coordinator's Name:
First Name
Last Name
Job Title (e.g. Pastor, Youth Pastor, Missions Pastor, Missionary - if applicable):
Cell Phone:
Church/Group/Family Name:
Church/Group/Family City & State
Names of other leaders:
Let us know what ministries or churches you have worked with in the past, if any:
Connections House
Calvary Rosarito
Date of most recent trip to Rosarito/Tijuana, if applicable:
Arrival date and estimated arrival time:
Departure date and estimated departure time:
Lodging & Team Details
Connections House can accommodate teams of up to 56 people. The cost is $20/person per night. We currently have up to 10-11 dorm rooms that your team can be separated into. All linens are provided. This includes a flat sheet, fitted sheet, blanket, pillow, pillowcase, towel & washcloth, but not beach towels.
Total number of MALE team members:
Total number of FEMALE team members:
Maximum TOTAL number of team members:
We realize this number may be higher than the combined total of male and female members listed above. This maximum number will allow us to know the number of available beds for booking another team at the same time (which is likely for all teams bringing less than 40 people).
Special Room Requests: Whenever possible, we will work to accommodate any requests you may have, such as couples, a family with young children, special needs, etc.
Please include genders for your request (for example, family with a 2 and 6-year-old, 2 male/2 female):
Primary make-up of team:
College Age Young Adults
High School Youth
Junior High Youth
Please let us know any other details regarding your lodging accommodations.
Ministry Details
Please provide as much information as possible about how your team would like to serve. It is our goal to set up all outreaches, projects, etc. so that when you arrive, your team can focus on ministry and not shopping for project materials or meeting with pastors to finalize ministry details.
Working with a Local Church
All ministry is done in association with a local church. The main reason to partner with a local church is so that the people your team ministers to has a connection to a pastor that can follow up with them and help them get involved in a Bible-teaching church.
Opportunity to Serve at Church Plants Further into Mexico
We've recently started organizing trips to our (Calvary Rosarito's) church plants in other parts of Mexico. Teams that would like to serve at one of Calvary Rosarito's church plants outside of Baja California can find inexpensive flights out of Tijuana. We have the church plants listed below, as well as some in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Michoacán, Nueva León, Campeche, Aguascalientes, and Oaxaca, Teams may stay at Connections for a night (or more) at the beginning and/or end of your trip. This also gives you the option to combine your trip and serve in the Rosarito area as well. Calvary Conexión México (state of Tlaxcala; April 2023) has been given a large property for the church, which will eventually include an international church planting school with dorms. There will be a lot of construction and outreach opportunities with this brand new church plant, and flights to Mexico City are usually inexpensive. Please prayerfully consider serving at one of our distant church plants.
Would you like Connections to set up all or some of your ministry for this trip? (If answering no, it's because you are working with a different ministry, missionary, or mission organization, or completely setting up all of your ministry on your own. If that is the case, you may skip to the next page.)
Please Select
If you have selected "No", please scroll to the bottom of the page and click, "Next".
What church would your team like to work with?
Wherever the greatest need is (Rosarito/Tijuana area)
A local church plant of Calvary Rosarito
Calvary Rosarito
Calvary Loreto (Pastor Elmer Cardenas, Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico)
Calvary Conexión México (Pastor Brian De La Cruz, Calpulalpan, Tlaxcala near Mexico City)
If you chose "other" in the previous question, please provide the name of the church's pastor, his contact, information, and also the name of the colonia/neighborhood and city it is located in.
Here are some possible ministry opportunities for your team. Please check any of the following that may be of interest. Please note that conferences or other events that last more than 4 hours should include a meal. If 4 hours or less, it should include a snack (costs will vary). We always ask that you provide a meal when serving at feeding kitchens and orphanages. A snack or meal is recommended for VBS as well.
Children's Ministry/VBS
Women's Ministry (Bible Study, Games, Craft)
Soccer Camp (Instruction, devotional/teaching, testimonies, soccer tournament)
Feeding Kitchen (VBS-style ministry with teaching, games, crafts, songs, etc.)
Children's Home/Orphanage (VBS-style ministry)
Construction Projects (See next question)
Rosarito Dump (Worship, teaching, testimonies, prayer, provide a meal)
Street Evangelism at a Local Park or Street Market
Retirement Home Visit (Provide a meal, worship, prayer, fellowship, activities/games, hair cuts, etc.)
Youth Conference (Provide teaching, food, worship, breakout sessions, etc.)
Men's or Women's Conference (Provide teaching, food, worship, etc.)
Marriage Conference (Provide teaching, food, worship, etc.)
Training Conference for Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, etc. (Provide teaching, food, worship, etc.)
Service Project(s) - Such as cleaning, yard work, moving dirt or gravel, etc.
Rehab Facility (Provide a meal, worship, teaching, activities/games)
Medical/Dental Outreach (Please provide details and your team's expertise in the last question of this section)
If interested in a construction project, please let us know in what way you would like to serve. (Note that "Remodeling" includes things like adding a stage or classrooms for a new church plant, general expansion, etc.):
Church Construction/Repairs/Remodeling
Orphanage Construction/Repairs/Remodeling
Feeding Kitchen Construction/Repairs/Remodeling
Home Build for a Local Family in Need
Casa de Los Angeles Orphanage (New Construction)
Translators: All teams will need to have their own translators - one for each ministry if doing more than one (e.g. children’s ministry and construction, etc.). If you are unable to provide your own FLUENT translators, we will hire them for you. The cost is $30/day or $20/half day (per translator).
Please Select
Not Sure
Please note that if you are doing children's ministry with different stations, you will need multiple translators at once.
Teams often like to take a break in ministry and spend a few hours enjoying Rosarito. Please let us know your intentions so we can adjust your schedule accordingly:
Beach Visit
Tourist Shops - Rosarito
Tourist Shops - Puerto Nuevo
If planning a ministry break, please let us know when and for about how many hours. (e.g. Friday after dinner - 2 hours; Sunday afternoon - 1-5PM):
Would you like one of our staff to join you for your ministry break as a guide to help with directions, parking, etc.?
Please Select
No thank you
Please provide us with any other important details about ministry, translators, your ministry break, or the church you would like to work with that will help us with planning:
Outreach Materials
We understand that outreach materials can take up a lot of space in your luggage and/or in your vehicles. For this reason, Connections House offers two options. One option is ask us if we will be able to order the materials for you and bring them down over he border. With enough notice, this should not be a problem. If approved, just make an Amazon list of the items you would like to have, including the quantities, and sending it to Kristy (text to 608.322.7650). The second option would be for us to provide any of the following materials (which are mostly for children's ministry) for you. There is an "other" option if you would like to add something. If you do, we will let you know if it will be possible and what the cost will be. You will be charged based on the number of kids estimated for your outreach. There is a spreadsheet below to give you an idea of what the cost will be.
Would you like Connections House to provide any of the following outreach materials for a fee? This helps by cutting down on the amount of luggage needed and/or space taken up in your vehicle(s). (See approximate cost estimate in photo below.)
Bracelets (Women or children's ministry; string, beads, etc.)
Animal Balloons (Color variety of Qualatex balloons, balloon pumps, stickers)
Face Painting (Paint, brushes, sponges, crayons, stencils, glitter, wet wipes, etc.)
Coloring Materials (Spanish or bilingual biblical coloring books, crayons and colored pencils)
Bubbles (15" bubble wands; 1 for every 6-8 children)
Nail Polish (Women's or children's ministry; Variety of colors, remover, cotton, nail stickers, etc.)
Sidewalk Chalk (5 colors of sidewalk chalk)
Prizes (for teaching time, memory verses, etc.; not for carnival outreaches)
Meals at Connections House are $6.00/meal per person. Note that Sunday breakfasts are always continental, as well as any breakfasts served before 7:00am. We also ask that you eat out for lunch on Sunday afternoons. When serving at a ministry site all day, lunches provided are normally picnic-style (sandwiches, chips, cookies, fruit, and drinks). If you would like to eat out, your team will be responsible to pay for your own food. This can be done one of two ways: 1 - pay with cash (or credit card where accepted) or 2 - Connections staff will pay for the meals and invoice your team so that you don't need to worry about bringing enough cash.
Eating Out
Please check with Connections staff for recommendations. Some places aren't able to accommodate larger groups, and we suggest eating at well-known places as to avoid any food issues. Please see our pricing list (link above) for more detailed budgeting, but you will need to plan at least $8-12/meal per person if you eat out at taco stands. Anywhere from $14-30/meal and up for restaurants.
Would you like Connections House to provide some or all of your meals? (If not, you may skip this section.)
Please Select
No Thank You
Yes - Some
Yes - All
To skip this page, scroll down and click "Next".
Our team would like to do the following (check all that apply):
Have meals provided by Connections House
Tacos El Tavi at Connections or other desired location (Minimum of 30 people; Approx. $10.50/person)
Eat out at taco stands
Dinner at a nice restaurant
Please let us know what meals, if any, you would like to eat at Connections House:
Sunday Breakfast
Sunday Dinner
Monday Breakfast
Monday Lunch
Monday Dinner
Tuesday Breakfast
Tuesday Lunch
Tuesday Dinner
Wednesday Breakfast
Wednesday Lunch
Wednesday Dinner
Thursday Breakfast
Thursday Lunch
Thursday Dinner
Friday Breakfast
Friday Lunch
Friday Dinner
Saturday Breakfast
Saturday Lunch
Saturday Dinner
Meal Times
Please choose what time you would like to have the majority of your meals served. Any variations should be noted after the meal time requests.
Please choose what time you would like to have BREAKFAST served:
Please choose what time you would like to have LUNCH served:
Please choose what time you would like to have DINNER served:
Please let us know if there are any meal times that would differ from your answers above or if you have any special requests for meal times. (For example, if Thursday & Friday dinner are at 6:30pm, but you would like Saturday dinner at 6:00pm.):
Connections will do our best to help provide meals for team members with food issues. That said, we ask that anyone that has the following or similar concerns, bring some food with them to help make sure they have proper nourishment. If you let us know ahead of time, soomone Please let us know if there are any food allergies or concerns for any of your team members:
Do you plan to have extra guests for any meals being served at Connections House (e.g. other missionaries, local pastor and family)?
If you are planning extra guests for meals, provide the details below. Please indicate the day, meal, and extra number of people for each occurrence (e.g. all lunches, 10 people; Friday dinner, 4 people).
If you have any special instructions or questions regarding food needs, requests, allergies, or meals in general:
Vehicles, Etc.
We have secure parking in our garage for multiple vehicles. Help us plan for space by letting us know the number and size of all of the vehicles you will be bringing. Also, please note that vehicles such as buses and tall vans that require a clearance of 8 feet or more will not fit inside our garage. Be sure to let us know so that we can make other arrangements for your vehicle.
Vehicles: Please put the number of each type of vehicle you will be bringing under each option:
If you are bringing a vehicle that fits in the "Other" category, please give us a description here. Also, be sure to let us know if you are bringing a van or other vehicle that is over 8 feet tall:
Please give us a brief description of the ministry you will be doing:
Please be sure to have enough FLUENT, EXPERIENCED translators for ministry. We recommend a minimum of 2 translators, especially for children's ministry (keeping in mind that you will need one translator per station if you will be having separate stations). Construction ministry usually only requires one translator. A second translator is helpful for praying with people, translating conversations, etc., and it's okay if they have less experience. You will also need translators for each ministry site if serving at more than one location. For conferences with break-out sessions, you'll need one translator at each session. If you are unable to provide your own FLUENT, EXPERIENCED translators, we will hire them for you. The cost is $30/day or $20/half day (per translator).
How many translators would you like us to hire for CHILDREN'S MINISTRY?
Please Select
Not Applicable
How many translators would you like us to hire for ALL OTHER ministry?
Please Select
If you would like to request any translators that you've worked with in the past, please put their name(s) here:
Please let us know of any other details or expectations you may have for your upcoming trip here:
Please verify that you are human:
Contact Us
Please contact Kristy if you have any questions or with any updated information: 608.322.7650 - Text/Call;
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