Provisional Year 3 Not Applying for Ordination: Addendum F
Complete this form for 3rd year provisionals not applying for ordination.
District and D.S. Completing Form
Please Select
Coastal Virginia: D.S. Beth Givens
Living Waters: D.S. Jay Carey
Mission Rivers: D.S. Charles Ledlum-Bates
Mountain View: D.S. Sarah Calvert
Northern Virginia: D.S. Kirk Nave
Shenandoah River: D.S. Victor Gomez
Three Notch'd: D.S. Hyo Lee
Valley Ridge: D.S. Doug Forrester
Today's Date
Email: Please provide the email where you would like to receive a copy of this form.
Name of Provisional You are Assessing
First Name
Last Name
Date onsite or online visit was made:
Choose how you completed your visit:
In person.
Addendum F: Teaching Ministries
During year 3 of Provisional Membership, the District Superintendent will meet with and evaluate provisional members who are not applying for ordination in the area of teaching ministries. Answer the questions below.
Name of Church/Organization
Provisional's Title at Church/Organization
1. How does the provisional lead teaching ministries in their ministry setting (including Bible Studies, Sunday School, New Member Class etc.)?
Effectiveness in Teaching Ministry
Ask the provisional to describe to you the organization and implementation of their most recent teaching ministry. Then answer the following questions below:
1. Did the provisional have a lesson plan and objective(s) for their session?
2. Did the provisional's teaching plan include their expectations of those who took the class and how they evaluated how the students were doing as the class progressed?
3. What communication skills were used in their teaching ministry?
4. Did the provisional's teaching methods address several different learning styles?
5. Describe how you experienced the provisional as teacher. What needs for developing/improving teaching skills did you identity?
D.S. Signature
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