Dear Member,
Annual Subscriptions fall due on 1st September 2024. This year there is a slight increase to membership fees.
To renew your membership please complete this form and arrange for your payment to be made to the club.
Members who already pay annual subscriptions by Standing Order are asked to check their existing payment arrangements with their bank are for the correct amount.
Members who do not pay by this method but wish to pay by Standing Order are advised to set this up with their bank.
The TRFC Bank details are:
Bank: Lloyds Trowbridge
Sort Code: 30 98 75
Acc Nos: 00416123
The Fees
Senior player (over 18 years) £204
Senior player in full time education or Spouse/Partner who is also senior player £102
Social Rugby (Walking rugby) Players not in another playging membership grade £102
Spouse/Partner of Social Member - £25
Match Fees for Irregular Players (Maximum 5 matches) £10 Per Match
Vice President Membership - £180
Note for players of all ages - these are the only fees payable this year there will be no match fees.
Please note:- Membership fees fall due on 1st September 2024.
Please contact Erron Cook, TRFC Membership Secretary @ / 07771808648 should you have any questions.
Please note all questions marked with a * are mandatory