[english below]
Door ondertekening ga ik, {naam} {AchternaamLastname} akkoord met de lidmaatschapsvoorwaarden, het reglement incasso en de privacy policy van Badmintonclub Drop Shot.
Ik heb gekozen voor de incasso in {frequentieVan} van bankrekeningnummer (IBAN): {rekeningnummeriban} ten name van: {naamRekeninghouder}.
By signing, I, {naam} {AchternaamLastname} agree to the membership terms, the direct debit regulations and the privacy policy of Badmintonclub Drop Shot.
I have chosen to direct debit in {frequentieVan} from bank account number (IBAN): {rekeningnummeriban} in the name of: {naamRekeninghouder}.
I will ensure that there is sufficient balance on the above-mentioned account number so that the automatic direct debit can be executed correctly. I know that in the event of a failed direct debit due to insufficient balance, the amount due can be increased.