FY 2022 Clark County CoC Unsheltered Homelessness Set Aside Project: SSO-Outreach or SSO-Other
1. Agency Name
2. Your Name
3. Email
4. Project Name
5. Specify the Type of Project: Is your agency applying for SSO-Street Outreach (to fund street outreach activities or is your agency applying for SSO-Other (to fund stand-alone support services to those experiencing homelessness or who have been homeless in the prior 6-months but are now residing in permanent housing (that is not PSH or RRH). Specify SSO-Street Outreach or SSO-Other in the box.
Project Description
1. Please give an overview of the proposed project design. (10 points)
2. Please describe the programmatic strategies that will be used to reduce rates of households returning to homelessness and increase permanent housing placement. (5 points)
3. Describe the specific plan to coordinate and integrate with other mainstream health, social services, and employment programs for which program participants may be eligible. How will you ensure that program participants will be assisted to obtain all benefits for which they may be eligible? (10 points)
4. What type of internal agency support services will be offered to program participants that will ensure successful retention in or help to obtain permanent housing? (5 points)
5. How does the agency receive and incorporate feedback from persons with lived experience of homelessness? How will this project incorporate the feedback from persons with lived experience of homelessness? (5 points)
6. What strategies will this program use to ensure the needs of historically underserved populations are met? (5 points)
7. How has the agency reviewed disaggregated data, what did it learn and what is the current plan to create more equitable programs? (5 points)
8. Describe how the applicant is an active participant in the local Continuum of Care meetings. (5 points)
I agree that the information herein is true and correct.
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