The OnlyMans: HQ Drop-in is an attempt to hold space for, build, and support Gay Bi Queer Trans guys and Gender Non-Conforming Non-Binary folks in sex work. These Drop-ins will take place once every three months allowing community to form connections in person, wellness check-in, access resources – STBBI rapid testing, mental health, harm reduction, etc. Hosted in the HQ community rooms. These will be hybrid events to include anyone quarantining, or physically unable to relocate. We will be providing transportation and a meal for attendees.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns please email Kristopher Phillips - TOMQ Male Sex Work Project Coordinator at
Location: 790 Bay St. #820, Toronto, ON M5G 1N8
Dates: 6:00pm-8:00pm
| Session 1: Monday, September 12th 2022 |
| Session 2: Wednesday, December 14th 2022 |
| Session 3: Monday, March 13th 2023|