de las Flores Puppy Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Date: (EX: dd/mm/yyyy)
Where are you located?
Do you currently train with a club or group? If so, with whom do you train and in what discipline?
How did you learn about de las Flores Dutch Shepherds (EX: Friend, Word of Mouth, Social Media,, etc...)
Are you aware that Working Dutch Shepherds are high-drive dogs and require a lot of physical and mental stimulation
Are you wanting a male or female puppy?
Please list the activities you plan to do with your puppy. (Example: IGP, American Schuzhund, PSA, Nose Work, Herding, Agility, Dock-diving, Barn Hunt, SAR, Show, pet, etc...)
If you could create the "perfect Dutch Shepherd" FOR YOU, please list four traits that are most important to you in the order of their importance. (There are no wrong answers. This helps us choose the best puppy for YOUR needs.)
When were you planning to get a Dutch Shepherd Puppy? Please select only one so we don't file your questionnaire in the wrong folder.
Right Away
In about six months
Next Year
More than a year from now
Just asking questions right now
Should be Empty: