Jumpstart Your Business Launch: How to Start a Profitable Business
(920) 944-6020 & (678)471-9744 office@designlifesjourney.com
Congratulations for enrolling in Jumpstart Your Business Launch. Please complete the following information the best you can. This information will help me understand where the registrants are in their entrepreneurial journey.
Business Name
Business Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Business Owners Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact Name (If different from owner)
First Name
Last Name
EIN/if your social security number enter SSN
Business Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Contacts Phone
Please enter a valid phone number.
Preferred Email
What day(s) and time(s) would you prefer to meet? We'll try to accommodate you the best we can.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
Best day to meet
Preferred time
What's your time zone
Business structure (Sole proprietor, LLC, Partner, S-corp, C-corp, Nonprofit)
Other Partners
How many bank accounts?
At What Banks?
How many Credit Cards?
Debt load? (Include loans to yourself)
Number of EE?
Number of subcontractors
What do they do?
Biggest Business Challenge?
Biggest Personal Challenge?
Why did you start this business?
What is the purpose of your business? What do you do?
Top three priorities
Who is your ideal market/customer?
What make you unique? Or why do customers come to you and not your competition?
How are you financing your business? Investors? Savings? Loans Combinantion? Provide the details.
How much do you pay yourself?
What type of profit would you like to make?
How will you exit the buisness? Closs door, pass to family, sell?
The sixty days begins after our last scheduled call. Participants must attend the calls, do the assignments, implement their written strategies and participate in the one-on-one coaching call for the guarantee to be valid. We can not guarantee the inaction of a business owner but we can guarantee that by developing a plan that meets your target audiences', needs and doing the work, you will build a business you will be proud to own. However, it takes work and it has to be YOUR creation while always recognizing that the customer is KING. Remember, it is their dollars that you need to sustain your business.
We are excited to be part of your business development. You are embarking on an amazing new adventure that can ultimately create the wealth and freedom you want while making a positive impact on your clients.
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