1. Major Infractions:
a. Possession of firearms or explosives on a jobsite while at work for NBC
b. Illegal possession of or under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs while at work.
c. Unwarranted comments to NBC customers, their clients, visitors, or other vendors.
d. Gross misconduct (including language, harassment, etc.).
e. Willful destruction of company or customer property.
f. Conviction of a major crime.
g. Possession of pornographic or other objectionable materials.
h. Assault and battery on NBC employees, contractors, visitors, customers, etc.
i. Deliberate violation of safety rules that endangers the life and safety of the contractor or others.
j. Theft of company property or personal property.
k. Defrauding or attempting to defraud the company.
l. Conflicts of interest, disclosure of proprietary information, or other conduct of such a nature as to bring serious discredit to NBC employees, NBC vendors, or NBC customers and/or their clients
m. Sexual Harassment.
2. General Guidelines
a. All contractors must wear clothing, which is in good taste. Any attire, which causes unwarranted distractions, is unauthorized.
b. Lack of a shirt or wearing sandals is not permitted.
c. Clothing with offensive wording is prohibited.
d. Smoking is only allowed outside of the home, and in a designated smoking area to be determined by NBC .
e. Food or drink should be discarded in appropriate designated areas to be determined by NBC.
f. Contractors must comply with all OSHA Safety Standards, and EPA Renovate Right lead safe practices.
g. When using a vehicle for company business, maintain a valid driver’s license and state required automobile insurance coverage.
h. All contractors and vendors must complete background checks on employees retained and engaged by contractor and/or vendor to do work for NBC or associations. Such background checks must be done pursuant to the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.