Local Business Spotlight
We love to share the stories of our local business sponsors and their business stories. For your feature, please provide the following information and 4-8 high resolution (300 dpi) photos of you, your family, your business associates, office, and of your work to be featured in the article. Or if you need a photo session let us know!
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Business Website
Which Neighborhood Do You Live/Work In? Please include Address.
Phone Number
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We ask for 4-8 high resolution (300 dpi+) images.
Business Name/Description of Services
Share about the history of your business - how did you get started? How long have you been in business or worked in this field?
What inspired you to start your business? Tell us about the events that led up to where you are now. (e.g. where did you go to school? career path? family background?
What is unique about your business? What sets you apart from the rest? (Area of expertise, company values, etc.)
What do you enjoy most about your business, and why?
What is one thing about your business that people may not know?
Tell us an interesting tidbit about your business/industry.
e.g. the nicest thing a customer has ever said to you about your products/services, your company mascot or pet, a fun outing your company held, your company's slogan or motto, etc.
Given your business expertise and nature of what you do, what advice (whether general or specific) can you offer to neighbors?
About you- how has this business changed your life? Perspective? Why did you choose this industry/profession?
What is a standout business story of yours that showcases your business's strengths or values?
Something memorable or rewarding, something funny or eye-catching?
How are you and your business involved in the community?
What are your future goals and aspirations (professionally and personally)?
Do you have any additional comments/information you would like to share that has not been covered above?
Nominate a Business!
We are always looking to showcase businesses that go above and beyond for their customers. Nominate businesses below that you think we should know about!
Business Name, Owner Name, Contact Phone Number/Email
Social Sharing
Our Instagram accounts are a great way to further connect neighbors, business partners, families and friends. Please review the two sections below regarding social sharing. We promise to always respect your privacy and will only use first names if your submission is shared online.
Can we use your submission on social media?
We would love to tag your business if applicable. Please provide your username/handle. (Personal and/or business)
Example: @GreetLakeHighlands
Would you like 1-3 extra copies of the issue in which you will be featured?
If so, how many?
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