Changes affecting the appearance of the interior and/or exterior of the Arts Warehouse, such as decorations, awnings, signs, sunshades, air conditioning equipment, screens, balcony, or patio covers and enclosures, satellite dishes, or similar changes shall require the prior written approval of the CRA. Except for normal hanging of artwork on walls by the Arts Warehouse onsite staff, no person shall mark, drill into, or in any way injure, deface, or damage any wall, ceiling, door, frame, partition, floor wood or metalwork, wiring fixture, plumbing, and/or any equipment.
The applicant is responsible for disposal and removal of all garbage produced by the event and may use the dumpster located in the Arts Warehouse loading area for disposal. Applicant is responsible for removal of all non-CRA equipment (i.e. linens, décor, AV equipment and all personal items). Applicant must provide all garbage bags and cleaning supplies necessary to keeping the Arts Warehouse facilities clean.
Littering is strictly prohibited. Paper, cans, bottles, and other trash are to be deposited only in trash containers, and under no circumstances are such items to be dropped or left on the grounds or other common areas of the facility. All trash shall be placed in plastic bags. All garbage, refuse and/or waste matter shall be removed from the premise to the exterior dumpster on the SE corner of Arts Warehouse. In no event shall organic garbage such as food, food cartons, etc. be allowed to remain on the premise overnight. No person shall sweep or throw anything out of any window or door or into any public hall or stairway.
Complaints of violations of these rules should be made to the Arts Warehouse onsite staff, either verbally or in writing. Neither the CRA, nor any of its agents, servants, or employees, shall be responsible to any artist or artist’s guests for any non-observance of rules, regulations, and conditions on the part of other person.
The CRA reserves the right to refuse use of the Arts Warehouse and may cancel any reservation or event because of activity or content deemed by the CRA to be inconsistent with the Arts Warehouse mission or not in the best public interest. The CRA reserves the right to reject any prior written approval in the best interest of the Arts Warehouse.
Any prop set or furniture heavier than fifty (50) pounds requires prior written approval of the Arts Warehouse. Glitter, confetti, bird seed, rice, sand, silly string, poppers, and any similar materials are not permitted. Lit candles, pyrotechnic devices (including fog machines) and bubble machines are not permitted. Contained votive candles may be allowed with the prior written approval of the Arts Warehouse. No decoration of the Arts Warehouse common areas is allowed.
Furniture owned by Arts Warehouse may not be moved or used without the prior written approval of the Arts Warehouse, or as part of the rental agreement.
All items must be out of the Arts Warehouse at the conclusion of the event. Should any items be left behind, the CRA will charge the applicant fifty dollars ($50.00) for every day that the items remain at the Arts Warehouse. This cost will be deducted from the security deposit refund, and the refund will not be processed until the items are removed from the building. Storage facilities are not available for the applicant’s use.
Renter shall notify the Arts Warehouse onsite staff in writing twenty-four (24) hours in advance of any deliveries, and they must be approved by staff. Prior authorization for such deliveries is required except for emergencies. No deliveries will be allowed after 6:00p.m. All tradesmen must be licensed and insured. The Arts Warehouse has no storage facilities available for use during these events. No deliveries for the event rental may arrive prior to 24 hours before the event.
The Arts Warehouse onsite staff shall have the authority to enforce all rules and regulations governing use of the Arts Warehouse. Lack of cooperation by the applicant and/or the applicant’s guests may result in closing the event and/or contacting security (City of Delray Beach Police or private).
Any person who destroys or steals property of the Arts Warehouse will be personally liable to the CRA for repairs and replacement of such property and will be required to leave the event immediately. Such destruction or theft may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Please note that Arts Warehouse has a security camera system with cameras in every common area that are recording at all times.
If the applicant or a guest of applicant sets off the sprinkler or fire alarm as a result of any unapproved activity, the applicant will be responsible for any costs, damages, or fines which result.
Gambling activity is prohibited in the Arts Warehouse.
No cooking is permitted in the Arts Warehouse kitchen. All food service items must be removed at the end of the event. Delayed pickup of any food service rental items is subject to prior written approval of the Arts Warehouse. If delayed pickup is approved, all food service rental items must be cleaned and repacked in the delivery cartons and arranged for pickup according to the prior written approval.
The applicant agrees to comply with all laws of the United States and of the State of Florida, the rules, regulations, and policies of the CRA, and any applicable municipal or county ordinances (collectively “the Laws”). Failure to comply with any one or more of the Laws may, at the discretion of the CRA, may result in the termination of this Agreement by the CRA. If, in the opinion of the CRA, violation of one or more of the Laws may cause a public or private hazard or nuisance, the CRA may demand the immediate correction of such violation or may terminate the event authorized to be conducted by this Agreement.
Use of the Arts Warehouse is limited to the specific event description approved. Any other use is prohibited. The event is limited to the space within the Arts Warehouse that is approved and paid for. There may be more than one function, party or event taking place in the Arts Warehouse. Crowds congregating in areas such as hallways will be asked to disperse. Doors are not to be propped open in any room under any circumstances with the exception of loading and unloading purposes.
Loading will take place through designate loading areas as directed by Arts Warehouse staff. (Loading areas include: front entrance, side overhead door and rear entrance/overhead door) Vehicle parking will not be allowed in the loading area. Parking for service vehicles requires the prior written approval of the Arts Warehouse.
All events are subject to logistics and safety review by the Arts Warehouse onsite staff, law enforcement, fire rescue, public works, building, zoning, and risk management. The
applicant shall provide a floor plan and event timeline no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the event. The applicant must comply with all recommendations made for logistics and safety for the event.
Capacity and Number of Guests
The maximum occupancy is dependent on the specific room and is listed on the rental site. No event, regardless of location in the building, should exceed three hundred (300) guests at one time.
In the case of emergency involving the facility during the time of the event, find designated Arts Warehouse staff for the event. In the event of an emergency requiring immediate professional assistance, please dial 911 before notifying Arts Warehouse.
Emergency phone numbers are posted on the bulletin board in the kitchen.
Renter Responsibilities & Supervision
- Renters are required to have one (1) team member from the business or organization on site for the duration of the event for every fifty (50) expected guests.
- The applicant and/or the applicant’s designated onsite coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring that the applicant’s vendors and guests comply with the
rules and regulations governing use of Arts Warehouse. Any vendor or guest determined to be non-compliant is subject to removal from the event.
- All children under the age of sixteen (16) must be supervised by an adult during the time in which they are at Arts Warehouse. Any events that provide childcare or child instruction at the Arts Warehouse must provide approved background checks for ALL personnel that will be responsible for childcare or instruction.
No person shall make or permit any loud noise or disturbance of any kind within the Arts Warehouse, produce objectionable odors, or interfere with the rights, comforts, or convenience of other guests. At no time are musical instruments, radios, phonographs or televisions to be so loud as to become a nuisance to surrounding residents, businesses
and/or guests of the Arts Warehouse. Music, DJ’s etc. need to be approved prior to any special event rental.
There shall be no use of the areas outside the buildings without the prior written approval of the CRA. Fires and any lighted materials, such as candles, torches, etc., are strictly prohibited. Renters and their guests shall comply with all local, state and federal regulations regarding fire safety. The sidewalks, parking areas, drives, roadways, entries, corridors, and fire escapes shall not be obstructed or encumbered, and shall not be used for any other purposes than ingress and egress.
Parking is permitted in designated parking areas only. Events are subject to interruption to remove vehicles from fire lanes, alleyways, or other spaces that are not approved parking or cause a hazard, nuisance, landscape damage or obstruction. If an event requires more than the available parking, the application may not be approved or may be required to find offsite parking or valet service at their own expense.
The CRA and its agents and staff will not be liable for any property of the applicant or the applicant’s event sponsors, vendors or guests if such property is damaged, misplaced, or stolen.
Leashed pets are allowed inside Arts Warehouse and are the sole responsibility of the owner. Pets must always be leashed and with their owner. Any disruptive incidents involving pets will require the owner and pet to leave the premises immediately. Any damages caused by leashed or unleashed pets will be the responsibility of the owner.
Any damage resulting from misuse of such plumbing fixtures shall be the responsibility of the renter.
Political fundraisers and distribution of candidate or other political literature is prohibited.
Educational programming for general events open to the public are limited to the following areas: music, film, theater, dance, public art, and arts education, unless approved by Arts Warehouse Manager.
Arts Warehouse may be rented for recurring events such as a dance, theater, music or another type of performing arts class subject to prior written approval of Arts Warehouse. Fees for such rentals are included in the Arts Warehouse fee schedule. Recurring events may be moved to another meeting space at the discretion of an Arts Warehouse staff
member at any moment.
In compliance with the Florida Clean Indoor Act, section 386.201, Florida Statutes, the City does not permit smoking within City or CRA-owned and operated buildings. SMOKING IS PROHIBITED in the Arts Warehouse and its adjacent facilities, including the courtyard and all parking areas.