FutureQuals provides and manages the Qualifications Management Information System (QMIS) and Exams and Assessment System (XAMS) . These systems must only be used for purposes defined by FutureQuals and as set out in the applicable User Agreements and Terms and Conditions. Only staff who are employed by the centre can apply for access. XAMS access will only be granted to centre staff where XAMS is used to support a qualification(s) for which the centre is approved.
Centre SharePoint
We create a secure SharePoint for all centres. This system is provided for multiple purposes, primarily for centres to upload evidence that may be required to gain centre approval and subsequently maintain centre and qualification approval. Only staff who are employed by the centre or other individuals with whom a centre has a contract, can apply for access.
Learner Resources SharePoint
FutureQuals provide full qualification specifications, evidence logbooks and other resources, including Functional Skills documents within a SharePoint site. Centres will only be granted access to qualifications for which they have been approved. Only staff who are employed by the centre can apply for access. For some qualifications where paper-based exams are still used, access will be limited to an individual(s) who is responsible for administering exams and not delivering the qualifications.
Protecting FutureQuals Intellectual Property.
Information and documents provided relating to qualifications, such as the content of the Learners Resources SharePoint site is the intellectual property of FutureQuals and as such must not be shared with anyone outside the approved centre, or who does need access to the information for the purpose of delivering our qualifications, without written permission from FutureQuals.