Influenza VIS
Prevnar VIS
Pneumovax VIS
Shingles VIS
TDaP (Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis) VIS
COVID (Moderna 12+ Primary and Bivalent) EUA
COVID (Moderna 6-11 years) EUA
COVID (Moderna 6 mo - 5 years) EUA
COVID (Pfizer 12+ Primary and Bivalent) EUA
COVID (Pfizer 5-11 years) EUA
COVID (Pfizer 6 mo - 4 years) EUA
COVID (Janssen 18+) EUA
By signing below, I certify that I am the patient or the patient's guardian/personal representative signing on behalf of the patient, & that I have read, understand, and agree to all the statements on this form.