Local Action Groups, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova, the National LEADER Network and Solidarity Fund PL in Moldova, with the support of the European Union, are pleased to welcome you at the 2nd edition of the EU-MOLDOVA LEADER Conference, which is organised within the “EU4Moldova: Local Communities” Programme, a flagship EU initiative focused on community development.
As of 2022, the LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova has evolved into a national LEADER Program, administered by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, thus positioning the Republic of Moldova as the first and, currently, the only non-EU country to implement the LEADER approach as an instrument of public policies for rural development. The 2nd edition of the EU-Moldova LEADER Conference aims to create a platform for networking and exchange of experience, which will enable Local Action Groups, as well as local and international partners to address rural development challenges and to identify solutions that can bring positive change and innovation at the local level. Thus, the event will include thematic workshops with the participation of LAGs and international partners and an open-air fair with local products. The conference will gather representatives of 48 Moldovan LAGs and fellow international LAG members across Europe, representatives of different stakeholders, including authorities from EU and non-EU countries, European LEADER Networks and representatives of European LAGs. The LEADER approach in the Republic of Moldova since 2016 is supported by many development partners including the European Union, Polish aid, USAID and EU member states such as Romania, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.
We are looking forward to sharing with you our Moldovan LEADER experience and we count on your active participation and valuable contribution to the event!