Please be advised that payments are not refundable.
Senior Scholars does not maintain credit card information on its membership files.
1. Select the button "Print" if you choose.
2. Select the button "Proceed" - to start PayPal.
3. SSQ recommends using PayPal's Guest option.
4. To enter PayPal as a guest select "Pay with a Debit or Credit Card" on the PayPal Screen. After the screen changes: enter the card number, billing address, and contact information then when ready select the "Pay Now" button; otherwise, enter your PayPal id.
PayPal sends an email receipt confirming this transaction.
PayPal indicates completion of this form with a Green checkmark.
5. Select the option "Return to Merchant" to return to this form.
6. A "Thank You" message from Senior Scholars is displayed at completion.