To end your lease you will be required to complete the Lease Termination Process. This process involves 4 easy steps. they are:
- Complete this form and acquire a Termination Request (TR) number
- Add your TR number (provided to you by e-mail) after submitting this form.
- Complete your Lease Termination Request Form
- Await Peartree's review of your request
In this first step, you will need to complete the lower part of this form in order to acquire your one-time use TR Number. This number will be sent to the e-mail address you supply below.
NOTE - Make sure the e-mail address is the one you have supplied to Peartree or your request will not be accepted.
Once you have submitted your request for your TR number leave this form open and enter the TR number in the appropriate field below. If you enter the correct TR number you will be prompted to complete the Lease Termination Request form.
On the Lease Termination Request form you will complete and digitally sign the form and then submit it so Peartree staff can review it.
NOTE - you will not be able to change your name or e-mail address on the Lease Termination Request form. So please use a valid e-mail address.
Once Peartree staff have reviewed your request and verified all data is correct, without discrepancies and that you are eligible to terminate your lease Peartree staff will send out the approval of your Termination Request. Should there be any discrepancies in the request or if you are not eligible to terminate your lease your request will be denied.
If you have any questions on this process please feel free to call the Peartree office.