"Meet You at the Altar" Mass Journal Grade 7
Week 22- Fifth Sunday of Lent- 3/26/2023
Student's name
First Name
Last Name
Who is your small group leader?
JoAnn Bellone
Diana McDermott
I don't know/Not sure
Email (Please provide a valid email address. Responses will be sent to this email)
Mass Questions
Where did you attend Mass?
Please Select
St. Anthony
St. Elizabeth Seton
St. Patrick
What time did you attend Mass?
Who was the priest that said Mass?
Fr. Steve
Fr. Matt
Student Questions
Sometimes things happen that surprise us! In the Gospel this week, Jesus brings back to life a man who had died. Jesus performs the miracle so that everyone who heard about it could believe that he was sent from God. Jesus also says that if we have faith in God, we will never die. Have you ever been surprised? What happened that made you surprised?
When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he showed his power over death. We believe that by Jesus’ death and Resurrection, he conquered death and won eternal life for us. Our faith tells us that those who are like Martha and Mary—people who believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and the life—will find eternal life. How do you think your life would be different if Jesus did not resurrect from the dead?
In our second reading today, St. Paul tells us that, “if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is alive because of righteousness.” Christ is in all of us because of our Baptism. As a result, even when we die, our spirits or souls will live on and hopefully be with God in Heaven! What does it feel like to have the Spirit of God alive within you? When do you notice that God is with you?
Parent Question of the Week
Jesus’ promise of eternal life is a central element of our Catholic faith. Even though Easter is still two weeks away, our Gospel today invites us to acknowledge Jesus’ power over death, evidenced in the raising of Lazarus, and to anticipate Jesus’ conquering of death once and for all in his death and Resurrection. What is one way your family can remember Jesus’ promise of eternal life?
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