Lead Investigator declaration.
By submitting this form and signing below, I confirm that:
- the investigation has been conducted fairly
- all parties and/or individuals involved in this malpractice or maladministration have been notified of the issue(s) raised in this case.
- all parties and/or individuals involved in this malpractice or maladministration case have had the opportunity to contribute to the investigation
- all parties and/or individuals involved in this malpractice or maladministration have had the opportunity to submit a written signed statement
- all parties and/or individuals involved in this malpractice or maladministration case have been informed of the outcome in writing
- all parties and/or individuals involved in this malpractice or maladministration case have been made aware that sanctions may be imposed by FutureQuals if appropriate
- all parties and/or individuals involved in this malpractice or maladministration case have been informed that where appropriate, they are expected to cooperate in completing any actions identified as part of our investigation or by FutureQuals.