1-1 Call Booking Info
Please complete and hit the SUBMIT button at the bottom before I send you you a call link
Full Name:
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
What is your occupation?
What you do for a living?
How did you hear about me?
What is your motivation behind wanting some coaching?
What is it that is making you take action now?
What is the current state of your life right now?
Tell me about the things that could do with improvement.
How would you like to improve this through working with me?
If you could look into a crystal ball where would you like to be?
Where would you like to see most improvement?
Relationship with your kids
Mental health and mindset
Life purpose and vision for the future
Health and fitness
Emotional Intelligence
Work-life balance
Family Leadership
In relation to the question above where are you struggling most in this area?
For instance connecting with your wife.
How long have you been trying to improve this area of your life?
Days, weeks, years
On a scale of 1-5 how serious are you about improving this area of your life?
Not Very Serious
Very serious
1 is Not Very Serious, 5 is Very serious
If we decide you are good fit will you be ready to move forward on the call?
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