M1 - Malpractice and Maladministration notification Form
Before completing this form you should read the FutureQuals Malpractice and Maladministration Policy. This form should be used to report all suspected and actual cases of malpractice and maladministration by a FutureQuals Approved Centre, Learner, Assessor or other person involved in the assessment, quality assurance, design, delivery or award of FutureQuals qualifications. It should include all details of the suspected or actual malpractice or maladministration as known at the time but centres should not undertake a full investigation until cleared to do so by FutureQuals. It is essential that this form is completed as soon as any potential or actual malpractice or maladministration is reported or suspected.
Centre Name & Number
Centre Name
Centre Number
Malpractice raised against - Centre name and number
Centre Name
Centre Number
Malpractice raised against - Centre postcode
Malpractice raised against - Centre National Centre Number (NCN)
(up to 5 digits, as allocated by JCQ)
Malpractice raised against - Centre Unique Reference Number (URN)
(up to 6 digits, as allocated by DfE)
Malpractice raised by - Person/Organisation
E.g Staff name FutureQuals/Centre
Malpractice raised against - Individual(s)
What is the role(s) of the individual against whom the malpractice has been raised?
Learner (if learner(s), please provide learner number and ULN if known below
If "other" please provide details below
If a learner, FutureQuals learner number
If a learner, Unique Learner Number (ULN)
Provided by Learner Records Service
Qualification Name
Qualification Number
E.g 123/1234/1
Specification Code
(also known as subject or pathway code)
Assessment Code
(Unit Reference Number)
Assessment Type
Please Select
Internal - Set and administered by the centre External - Set and administered by FutureQuals
Assessment Method
Please Select
Online exam
Paper-based exam
Performance task
Knowledge task
Assessment Schedule
Please Select
On-demand (non-sessional)
On-demand (sessional)
Other (please specify)
Assessment Schedule - other:
Date of suspected or actual occurrence
FutureQuals Staff consulted (if applicable)
Chris Young
Simon Stevens
Nicki Harries
If another member of FutureQuals staff consulted, provide details below
Area of concern
Please provide details of the issue raised as potential or actual malpractice or maladministration
Details of person making the report
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
If you wish to protect your identity, please refer to the FutureQuals Public Interest Disclosure (Whistle-blowing) Policy which can be found on the FutureQuals website.
In the event that the notification received relates to a qualification regulated by SQA Accreditation, in accordance with Regulatory Principle 18, the Accountable Officer will notify SQA Accreditation of the suspected case and outcome.
Should be Empty: