Thanks - you will need the following....
{TotQtyStrip}m of {WhichStrip} @ {StripPrice} per metre
{ControlDescription} {controlsSku} @ £{ControlsPrice}
{InterfaceDescription} {InterfaceSKU} @ £{interfacePrice}
{totalQty} * {mountingDescription} @ £{mountingPrice} each
{CablesQty} * 2m Cables to connect LED Strip to Power
Power Supplies
Kit1 {psu1description} {psu1price}
Kit2 {psu2description} {psu2price}
Kit3 {psu3description} {psu3price}
Kit4 {psu4description} {psu4price}
{mainscableQty} * 2m Mains Cable & Plug Assemblies
You also asked for
{CablesQty} Corner Cables (100mm long)
Your price (exc VAT& delivery) will be £{priceExVat}
{TotQtyStrip} * {StripPrice}
{cableId447} *{mainscableQty}
{mountingPrice} * {totalQty}
We have emailed you with a confirmation of this information along with a link to add all these items to your basket and complete your purchase.
Thanks for using our tools - we hope they were helpful to you.