Request a Schools on Snow Visit
Complete this form to request a school visit to Mt Sima on your preferred date eg: December 9th or 16th, or any Thursdays & Fridays from January to March. Once your visit is confirmed you will be required to complete a detailed registration form to arrange lessons and rentals.
School Name
Teacher Contact
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Date preference
Please include your dates below listed by first preference to third reference.
Please include your dates below listed by first preference to third reference.
How many students in total?
How many students will be first time skiers?
These are students who have never been on skis, or have only been once or twice.
How many students will be novice skiers?
These are students who are still on bunny hill but have some experience skiing and are working on control & turning to progress to the chairlift
How many students will be comfortable-novice skiers?
These are students who have ridden the chairlift but find the steeper sections on green runs challenging. Working to progress to blue runs
How many students will be intermediate/advanced skiers?
These are students who are confident, experienced skiers, who can control their speed and turns on a variety of terrain.
How many students will be first-time snowboarders?
These are students who have never been snowboarding, or have only been once or twice.
How many students will be novice snowboarders?
These are students who are still on bunny hill but have some experience skiing and are working on control & turning to progress to the chairlift
How many students will be comfortable-novice snowboarders?
These are students who have ridden the chairlift but find the steeper sections on green runs challenging. Working to progress to blue runs
How many students will be intermediate/advanced snowboarders?
These are students who are confident, experienced snowboarders, who can control their speed and turns on a variety of terrain.
Ski Rentals: Approximately how many students will need to rent ski equipment
Snowboard Rentals: Approximately how many students will need to rent snowboard euipment
Additional Comments/Details/Questions
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