Please note that all applicants must be Sociology Majors*. The RA Program is not available to minors.
Students may apply to up to 5 different projects, but can only be accepted to work on one project.
Please note that each project usually only accepts between 1-3 students, so to increase your chances of acceptance, we recommend selecting 3-5 projects. Please note that we will attempt to give you your top 3 choices, however, please be aware that you may also only be offered your 4th or 5th choice if need be.
If you are only interested in one project, then you are welcome to submit for only that project, but keep the above in mind about the limited amount of available spots per project.
Please have materials ready prior to submitting the form. You may select up to 5 projects in the same form.
Applications will be sent to Principle Investigators (i.e. the Professor/ Graduate students), who will contact applicants directly.
DEADLINE TO APPLY: Tuesday, November 28th @ 11:59pm
*We understand that not all students may fulfill the eligibility requirements, but don’t let that stop you! We encourage any Sociology major who is interested, but may be short a few requirements, to go ahead and apply.