Waiver and Release
1. I acknowledge and fully understand that my participation at the Ballpark may involve the risk of injury, including the possibility of serious injury or death, not only from my own actions, but also from the action or inaction of others, the condition of the premises, or the failure of the equipment used. I knowingly agree to assume all such risk, known and unknown, and assume full responsibility for my participation.
2. I agree to conduct myself during the EVENT with all due regard for my own safety and the safety of all participants, observers and bystanders. I agree to comply with the directions of all EVENT organizers, and I agree to notify EVENT organizers if I observe any unsafe condition or behavior during the EVENT.
3. For myself, and on behalf of all of my heirs, assigns, executors, personal representatives and next of kin, I hereby waive and forever release all parties from and against any and all liabilities, claims, expenses or causes of action of any kind or nature whatsoever, arising out of or relating to participation in the EVENT.