I give permission for my child to take part in the activities provided by the VUSA Academy and for the information to be held and used by the VUSA Rugby and Learning Academy.
I understand and acknowledge that the activities that my child may engage in, have inherent risks and dangers that could result in damage to property and injury.
I give permission for VUSA to use photo/video footage taken during the activities for promotional purposes such as displays / DVD presentations of our work and on Social Media platforms.
I give permission for medical attention to be sought in case of emergency and do not hold VUSA responsible for the costs incurred as a result.
I understand that VUSA cannot take responsibility if my child does not abide within the rules.
I give permission for my child to attend outings and use transport provided by the VUSA Academy.
I further indemnify and hold harmless the VUSA Rugby & Learning Academy and any of its staff, against any claims arising out of unforeseen circumstances where care and safety precautions were present and where the activities were conducted in a responsible, professional manner.