FACT: Yes, an orgasm can be great, but it’s definitely not the only pleasurable aspect of a sexual encounter. Even when sex doesn’t end in climax, it can still feel really good for both partners. Also, if orgasm is the only goal, it might not be as enjoyable.
The Orgasm Gap
How often do men orgasm during sex?
For men who had sex within a 12-month period, 90% of the time.
In the Vityl clinical sample, it useful to consider Q10 of the IIEF (included in the MSD preliminaries). Only 30% of men reported experiencing orgasm most if not always during intercourse and 24% of men reported experiencing orgasm more than 50% of the time. A total of 46% of men reach orgasm less than 50% of the time.
How often do women orgasm during sex?
On average, women said they reach orgasm 31-40% of the time in response to the question about intercourse in general. By contrast, women said they reached orgasm even more often with assisted intercourse (51-60% of the time), but less often with unassisted intercourse (21-30% of the time).
How many do not experience orgasm at all?
When asked about intercourse in general, 22% of women said they never experience orgasm and 37% of women never experience orgasm when specifically asked about “unassisted” intercourse (i.e., when clitoral stimulation was specifically excluded).
Side note:
On a side note, it’s worth mentioning that, as part of this study, approximately 1,500 men were asked to estimate how often women orgasm during both the unassisted and assisted forms. They estimated that women orgasm 61-70% of the time during assisted intercourse, compared to 41-50% of the time during unassisted intercourse.
These numbers suggest that while men do seem to recognize the important role clitoral stimulation plays with respect to the female orgasm, they tend to overestimate how often women are actually reaching orgasm. Why is that? According to the study’s authors, this “may reflect men’s difficulty in accurately detecting women’s orgasms, or alternatively, men’s difficulty in detecting when women fake orgasm.”
Shirazi, T., Renfro, K., Lloyd, E., & Wallen, K. (2017). Women’s Experience of Orgasm During Intercourse: Question Semantics Affect Women’s Reports and Men’s Estimates of Orgasm Occurrence. Archives of Sexual Behavior.