1. Pre-Employment Collection Statement
This organisation respects your privacy. This statement explains how we collect, use and disclose information during the pre-employment recruitment and selection process.
(a) What is personal information?
Personal information is any information or an opinion (whether true or not) about you. If may range from the sensitive (eg medical history or condition) to the everyday (eg address and telephone number). It includes the opinions of others about your work performance (whether true or not), your work experience and qualifications, test results and other information obtained by us in connection with your possible employment. Personal information includes sensitive information which can, in most cases, only be disclosed with your consent.
(b) Who will be collecting your personal information?
This organisation or a nominated contractor involved in the recruitment process will collect your personal information for the organisation’s own use in connection with your potential employment.
(c) How your information will be collected
Personal information will be collected about you when we receive:
● Your resume, completed application cover sheet or application form and any other information in
connection with your application
● Information in the course of an interview
● References or results of enquiries that we might make of your former employers, work colleagues,
professional associations or registration bodies
● Results of competency tests or medical examination
● Information you disclose about any workplace injury or accident, insurance investigation, litigation,
disciplinary matter, criminal matter, inquest or inquiry in which you are involved
● Any additional documentation you provide about yourself.
(d) How will your information be used?
Your personal and sensitive information may be used in connection with:
● Your possible or actual employment
● Any test or assessment that you might be required to undergo
● Any matter considered necessary during the pre-employment stage or any ongoing purposes of the
employment relationship.
(e) Who may your personal and sensitive information be disclosed to?
● This organisation and its related entities as a potential and actual employer
● Referees
● Our insurers or a workers compensation body
● A professional association or registration body that has a proper interest in the disclosure of your
personal and sensitive information including the NDIS Commission
● Our contractors and suppliers who may be involved in the recruitment and selection process
● Any person or organisation with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information.
(f) What happens if you do not give us the information we seek?
If you do not give us the information we may be limited in our ability to consider you for suitable employment.
(g) How can you gain access to your information to correct it if it is wrong?
With limited exceptions, you have a right to see and have a copy of personal and sensitive information about you that we hold. If you are able to establish that it is not accurate, complete and up- to-date you may ask us to place with the information a statement by you to that effect.
(h) Consent
I have read and understood each of the statements in this Collection Statement and voluntarily consent to Personal and Sensitive Information about me being collected, used and disclosed by the organisation as indicated above.