New Client Coaching Form
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Street Address
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact #
Please enter a valid phone number.
Define what success would look and feel like after our first 3 months of working together
i.e. Success would be if I feel more confident in myself, get back to a healthy weight, lifestyle, and...
Generally, your availability/optimal time to connect for Coaching sessions would be: (select all that apply)
Evenings & weekends
Weekday mornings
Weekday afternoons
Schedule changes weekly
Have you hired a Personal Trainer and/or other Coaches before? If so, what type and how was your experience?
i.e. "Yes, Personal Trainer/Nutritionist/Life Coach I liked ___ and did not like ___ " or "first time"
The best thing a Coach could do for me right now is to:
i.e. Guide, support, listen, motivate, provide accountability, help me develop sustainable routines for...
I am primarily reaching out with interest in
Fitness Coaching
Life Coaching (healthy habit building, career change, wake up routines, personal goal setting & accountability etc.)
Other (i.e. Team training, speaking event, Sport training)
Main Fitness Goal
Weight loss & muscle toning
Strengthen, tone, & shape (build lean mass)
Increased athletic sport performance
Increased confidence, energy, & movement patterns
Increase weight & build muscle
Biggest challenge when it comes to working out
I'm not sure of what I should be doing with my workouts
I lose motivation and tend to fall off track quickly
I struggle to maintaining consistency/making time to workout
Have hit a plateau with my current routine and looking to progress further
I haven't found a way to enjoy working out yet
Other stress factors for me are:
My work is very stressful
I have trouble talking to myself kindly
I need help with goal setting
I don't know how to achieve the goals I want to achieve
I overcommit myself/I say yes too often (i.e. family/friend/work commitments)
I have trouble with anxiety and/or depression
A specific current/past relationship is weighing down on me
I let my thoughts spiral easily
I feel a lack of purpose and motivation
If you have injuries that affect your workouts/movement patterns/recovery, please describe
Any medical ailments (i.e. diabetes, thyroid issues, previous heart attacks, stints, fibromyalgia, etc.)
Physical activity in the past 2 months
< 4x/week
Cardio workouts
Weight lifting
Do you have current gym access?
Box Gym (i.e. Goodlife, LA Fitness, Movati)
Hot Yoga Studio
Group fitness studio
Condo or home gym
No gym access or home equipment currently
If you answered home or condo gym access -- please describe the equipment you currently have (and/or send pictures)
Main Nutrition Goal
I'm looking to eat healthier and lower my weight
My goal is to eat healthier and increase my weight
Happy with current weight range -- I just want to adopt healthier nutrition & feel more energetic while seeing physical progress
My Nutrition habits are very healthy, sustainable, and conducive to my goals
Other (i.e. rebuild immunity, work around allergy, learn to cook, etc.)
Biggest challenge with nutrition
I don't know how to eat properly in order to reach my goals
I eat out often
I struggle to make time to cook/Eat Sporadically
Portion control -- I eat too much
I don't think I eat enough
I don't enjoy cooking
I tend to "yo-yo diet" (super strict dieting then fall off completely & repeat...)
Other ( i.e. food allergies, substance abuse, digestive issues)
Describe your sleeping patterns in the past 3 months
Very good 7-8.5 hours rested and energized
7-8.5 hours but not feeling rested
under 7 hours per night average
All over the place, no consistency
Current nutrition habits (within the past 2 months)
Very unhealthy
Somewhat healthy
Very Healthy
Water intake
Eating out
Alcohol, cigarettes or other substance use
I currently (or previously) use supplements or other health products to assist with my workouts & well-being (i.e multi-vitamin, protein, BCAAs, Creatine, collagen, etc.)
Describe what you currenty (or previously used) and your experience
What is your typical day like for nutrition?
i.e. I eat breakfast/lunch/dinner at __ time, I eat on the g, I cook and eat very clean...
I am comfortable with (for fitness clients)
Taking progress pictures and sharing on social media
Taking progress pictures for later comparisons, but no sharing at the moment
Neither of the above / I will let you know if I reconsider in the future)
Are you interested or are you committed to becoming a better version of you?
Not sure - I need help getting to that point mentally
Interested - I'd like to, I'll do it when it's convenient, let's see what happens
Committed - I have a goal, I'm on a mission to pursue and to live healthier-- I just need the right person to help me
Who do you know that may be interested in help with Coaching, Nutrition, or Personal Training after you've had your own positive experience?
Name, relationship, contact info (phone or email)
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