a) I declare that the information contained in this application and any other documents(s) provided in support of it is true and correct in every respect.
b) I understand that inaccurate, misleading or untrue statements or knowingly withheld information may result in non-acceptance of my application or termination of employment.
c) I understand that this application does not constitute an offer of employment.
d) I understand that, in some cases working with children and/ or police check/s will be required and I will notify in writing if this applies to this application.
e) I understand that an offer of employment is subject to reference check/s from nominated referees.
f) I understand that my personal information submitted and collected as part of my employment application and the recruitment process is kept on file by Bermagui Country Club for a period of 3 months for non-interviewed candidates and 6 months for interviewed candidates, after which time I am entitled to reapply.