I agree with Mahoning Valley's rules for the TNT program.
As with everything in life, MAHONING VALLEY has rules to follow. Since we are around children, our actions/words—whether we think we are seen/heard or not—can potentially influence young, impressionable minds. Therefore, as a TNT volunteer, we expect you to DO the following (practice by saying “I WILL” for each bullet point): We also expect you to DO NOT do certain things such as (practice by saying “DON’T” and fill in with each bullet point):
· Give 100%
· Be respectful to everyone!
· Follow camp rules
· Be on time for everything!
· Participate in all staff functions
· Engage in staff devotions
· Steal/cheat/lie
· Wear provocative clothing
· Destroy camp property/equipment
· Use foul language
· Bring alcohol/tobacco/drugs
· Wander off by yourself
· “Slack” on your responsibilities
If you think you cannot follow these rules for the 2 weeks you will be volunteering at camp, please reconsider this opportunity. The MVCSC staff works long hours during the summer. For the camp to have a successful program for the 2,200 people that attend camp, it is imperative—IMPERATIVE—that all staff and volunteers follow these rules so that the distractions/incidents/problems are negligible.
If the TNT volunteer program does not work out for you, we will kindly dismiss your volunteer contract (which also dismisses your FREE camp). The Kingdom work we do is THAT important! We don’t expect this to happen because the TNT volunteers are considered the “cream of the crop” for campers.