Metabolic Classifying Questionnaire
First Name
Last Name
1. Whether you wish to gain or lose weight, your body weight history provides important insights regarding the state of your metabolism. Are you happy with your current body weight? If not, how long have you struggled with your weight?
Perfectly happy
It's relevant but a minor concern
It is a concern, I am cautious about my weight.
It's a concern I've had in recent years
Had problems as long as can remember.
2. Yes, it's true, age does influence metabolism & as we age our metabolism changes. How old are you?
teen to 24 years of age
25-34 years of age
35-44 years of age
45-54 years of age
55 years of age or over
3. From research, it's clear that some population groups have a higher genetic predisposition for metabolic abnormalities that increase the risk of type-2 diabetes and unwanted weight gain. As far as you're aware, at least one side of your family originates from one of the following.
Indigenous Australian or American
African American
Polynesian decent including the Pacific Islands, Hawaii, Fiji, Samoa, New Zealand.
4. How many diets have you been on?
I've never followed a diet
I've tried a few
I've tried more than a few
I'm always searching for best one
I count calories, I can even tell you how many calories are in a meal
5. Breakfast is a powerful trigger that can shift your metabolism into fat-burning mode or fat- storing mode. Which of theses typically resembles your breakfast?
Omelette or stir fry with vegetables
Protein shake, cereal and some fruit
Coffee/tea, cereal, toast & glass of juice
Coffee/tea & an egg McMuffin
I often don't eat breakfast
6. Right now, how many metabolically precise meals would you consume each day?
more than five
None or not sure know what this means.
7. A high ratio of omega-3 is essential for down-regulating inflammation that optimizes health, fat metabolism and results from exercise. How much omega-3 do you get each day?
I know how to get at least 60grams a day from foods that directly improve the 0-3 ratio.
I take flax oil, eat fish & lots of green vegetables every day
I eat fish and take fish oil capsules
I take fish oil capsules each day
I have no idea
8. With every passing decade, adults lose the capacity to preserve lean body tissue. This underlines a host of unrelated illnesses including type-2 diabetes, heart disease and unwanted fat gain. Resistance exercise is imperative to maintain lean tissue in adults. How long have resistance activities been a part of your life?
Never, or less than 6 months
More than 6 months - I've completed some form of resistance exercise at least twice a week.
Plus, my workouts are planned, they incorporate barbells & dumbbells with sets & reps.
My workouts are planned & structured; incorporate barbells & dumbbells, sets & reps and I strive to increase the weight used.
The structured resistance exercise program described above has been a main part of my program for more than 12 months.
9. How often do you perform aerobic type physical activity, this also includes sports training, fitness classes, boxing and circuit-based activities.
3 or less times a week along side the structured resistance exercise program in Q8.
A few times a week - no resistance exercise
4 or more times a week but no structured resistance exercise program
None, or I'm inconsistent with exercise
10. How much body fat you have and how long you've carried that amount has a prominent effect on endocrine function and metabolism. Rate your body "fatness"
I'm super lean, ripped abs, lower back and intercostals visible
You can see my abs, I have muscle definition
I'm soft, got a little bit of belly, in flabby bits
I'm chubby
It's clear that I'm overweight
11. Where you store your body fat has important metabolic repercussions. Some people store their fat around their middle (apples), some store fat more on their hips ( pear shape), where do you mostly store your body fat?
mostly on my belly, virtually none on my hips & legs
on my belly and on my hips & legs
Some on my belly but mostly on my hips & legs
12. Sleep quality has a profound effect on appetite regulation and carbohydrate metabolism. Rate your sleep quality.
I fall asleep quickly & wake refreshed every morning
I rarely have a problem sleeping
I work shifts
I have trouble falling & staying a sleep.
I wake up feeling tired & lack energy
13. Metabolic blockers are poor sleep habits; drugs/ medications; smoking, alcohol abuse & chronic stress. How many of these are in your life?
Alcohol - more than 1 drink a day
Chronic stress and or poor sleep habits
Drugs including medication & antidepressants
14. When you stand in front of the mirror, do you like what you see? Do you have the body you really want? Be honest ;-)
Yes, perfectly happy!
I'm almost there!
l've got some improvements to make.
I've got a lot of improvement in me.
I won't stand in front of the mirror naked.
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