Lighthouse Consent to Share Personal Information
Note: To protect privacy, no personal information is provided to the public without informed consent. A parent/guardian gives informed consent when they agree to the sharing of personal information, understand what will be shared, for what purposes it will be used and who will receive the information.
We are excited about what God is doing in our midst at Lighthouse and because of this we like to share stories and experiences with our congregation and larger community. We know that pictures and videos are a vital method in sharing what is happening at Lighthouse. To be able to share specific images (clearly identifiable- not a large group shot) and video of children 17 and under we require informed consent of the parent/guardian. Please read the following information and complete the areas indicated. If you have any questions please contact
Kelly Beitz, Family and Children’s Ministry Director.
Photos may be used in the context of reporting, celebrating activities and providing an overview of an experience to our congregation. This may include but not limited to the Annual Report, bulletin boards and posters.
Website, bulletin boards, ministry room:
Photos of child, videos of child may be displayed.
Work (crafts, writings, projects, etc) of the child may be posted with a first name only.
It is possible that during a special event that your child may be interviewed by the media and/or have his/her photograph taken. The may also be asked for their name and grade which may identify your child. Calvary United can’t be held responsible for any information posted by the media on its website, as it is outside of the care and control of Calvary United.