By this form you can sign the Climate Agreement on Food and Farming ( Signing can be done by UN member states, UN non-member states, intergovernmental organisations, regions/states with over 10 million people and large retail- or food companies. Questions can be sent to:
Name of authorized person to sign
Family name
Commitment type (select option 1 or 2 or 3)
Reduce (national) GHG-emissions from agriculture/farms with 30% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels (or 2018-2020 levels)
Reduce Food related GHG-emissions 30% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels (for states: reduce national per capita annual food consumption related GHG-emissions 30% by 2030 compared to 2020 levels; for food/retail companies: reduce company scope 1,2 3 emissions 30% by 2030, including from all food products sold).
Reduce both Agriculture and Food related emissions 30% by 2030
Next questions are commitments for countries/states /regions only
Only countries and regions have to fill in the next questions. You are requested to fill in two Agriculture Climate Policies and two Food Climate Policies, already implemented, proposed or planned by your country/region. see below. Intergovernmental organisations and companies do not need to fill this in. Countries/region's who want to sign, but fill in the 4 commitments later, can do this within 1 month after signing online. This can be done by filling in a new form or sending it to You can find examples from 9 countries that have committed to two climate policies for agriculture and two food-related climate policies here:
Which Agriculture Climate Policies does your country/region commit to? (select at least two options)
1. Provide financial incentives and other resources (i.e., training, natural fertilizers, suppliesetc.) to farmers to reduce GHG-emissions. Many approaches can be deployed, egagroecological and regenerative methods, like organic farming, crop rotation, carbonsequestration, low-tillage, multi-strata planting etc.
2. Provide financial incentives and other resources to animal farmers to reduce herd sizes.
3. Legislate, monitor, and enforce maximum methane emissions from farms.
4. End the import and export of key agricultural commodities when linked to deforestation.
5. Apply the polluter pays principle on GHG emissions at the farm level or on imports.
6. Repurpose or reduce agriculture subsidies that contribute to high GHG-emissions.
7. Increase and encourage investments in low-carbon, climate resilient farming.
Specification first Agriculture Climate Policy. These can be previous/existing or future policies. Max 100 words and add weblink for reference.
Specification second Agriculture Climate Policy. These can be previous/existing or future policies. Max 100 words and add weblink for reference.
Which food climate policies does your country /region commit to? (select at least two options)
1. Establish national and per capita reduction goals for animal-based food consumption.
2. Launch educational, awareness and information campaigns highlighting the environmental and health benefits of plant-rich diets, e.g. requirements that supermarkets display food sustainability ratings, carbon footprint data or true pricing data incl. CO2-costs.
3. Eliminate or reduce consumer taxes on vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and wholegrain or subsidize healthy and sustainable plant based food.
4. Reduce public procurement of animal-based products, promote institutional plant-forward eating (e.g by joining the Cool Food Pledge for public bodies or serve climate neutral food).
5. Legislate to restrict marketing and junk pricing of food products with a very high carbon footprint, e.g. bans for selling protein rich food at prices lower than normal retail cost prices.
6. Create a tax on high carbon footprint food products to reflect their external costs on climate and the environment. Tax revenues could be used to finance farmers to reduce GHGemissions, improve animal welfare or sustainability standards; or transition to plant farming Or re-wilding. Alternatively, include livestock GHG-emissions into ETS.
7. Legislate policies for supermarkets/retail/food service companies to reduce food-related GHG emissions by at least 30 percent by 2030 (including scope 3 emissions).
Specification first Food Climate Policy. These can be previous/existing or future policies. Max 100 words and add weblink for reference.
Specification second Food Climate Policy. These can be previous/existing or future policies. Max 100 words and add weblink for reference.
Specification additional Food or Agriculture Climate Policies: previous/existing or future policies. Max 100 words per policy and add weblinks for reference.
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