Do you offer link inserts?
Some of our clients do accept link inserts. If your target page is a good fit for one of our clients, we will let you know.
How much does it cost to publish a guest post?
Most of our clients do not charge anything for guest posts, they just want high-quality content. We do charge an admin fee to manage their guest post requests. We will let you know what the fee is once we see your application.
Do I need to come up with the article topic?
Yes. If your target page is a good fit for one of our clients, we will let you know their requirements for article topics (search volume, keyword difficulty), and their writing style guide.
How many links can I insert?
As many as needed to make your article useful, interesting, and engaging - not more and not less.
Will my link be a do-follow?
Yes, of course.
This sounds like a lot of work. Will you write the article on my behalf?
Sure. Our agency can write an article on your behalf. Depending on the site, we charge $50-$750 per article.
I have another question. Who do I contact?
Just fill out the "questions and comments" filed in the form.