Application for Purchasing a Puppy and wait list
This application is to help us find the right dog or puppy to fit into your family. Please read over our policies page on our website before completing the puppy application. It is important that you fill out all the questions. If the questions are incomplete, it leaves me in the dark as to what you are looking for in a new family member. If you have a problem with any questions, please call me and let me help you. Our number is: (256) 612-2512 or email: If you are on Facebook, please like the Reign On Standard Schnauzer Page. Everyone of our dogs is a loved family member of our family. Therefore we are very selective about choosing homes for them. The details you provide to us in the application helps us prioritize our list of applicants. To be placed on the wait list a $200 deposit is required. This is nonrefundable. Payment may be made via Vemno or Paypal. Please use for Vemno or for PayPal for this payment. Payment is due once application is approved.
Price of a puppy is starting at $3000.00, cropped ears are $400.00 extra, this is done at 8 weeks of age. We start taking Deposits on the puppies at 4 weeks old, which is $500.00. No pup is promised until evaluations are done at 7-8 weeks of age.