Refugee Student Numbers
This Jotform is to collect information on refugee students, with refugee alien numbers, enrolled in your local educational agency's (LEA's) school(s) as of Friday, October 1. This data will generate allocations for the federal 2023-2024 Refugee School Impact Grant (RSIG).
A data template is included below and should be uploaded at the bottom of this form once completed. In addition to certain identifying information, you will also report the student's English proficiecy level from 1.0 to 4.9.
In organizing your data, please highlight yellow any students who have been in the U.S. for two years or less. Students should be sorted by enrollment date (from earliest to most recent), not by arrival date. Please also work with non-public schools in your LEA that have refugee status students and include these students as well. In sum:
- Highlight newcomers (2 years or less in U.S.) yellow in your document.
- Work with your non-public schools that have refugee students and add these students to the appropriate highlighted areas.
- Sort the spreadsheet by enrollment date, not by arrival date.
Refugee Student Reporting Template (go to File > Download)
Reporting of refugee student information is due by Thursday, November 30. Please submit any questions to