If you are at least 18 years old and have had a significant experience with an entactogen (e.g. MDMA / ecstasy, MDA, 6-APB, 5-APB) in the past, you can take part in our survey.
If so, please read the information on the next page.
Drugs such as MDMA or 6-APB are strong serotonin releasers and should not be taken in high doses or regularly.
Below are some organizations which offer appropriate and free help and information in case you are undergoing difficulty with these compounds consumption :
Although uncommon, experience with an entactogen can sometimes be followed by adverse reactions.
Below are some advice taken from the International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service (ICEERS) in case you were facing difficult reactions following an experience with an entactogen :
Likewise, if you need help or want to be more informed about social anxiety :
About the survey
This is a survey about the effects of a single experience with an entactogen on social anxiety.
It is run by Mathilde Cognet (undergraduate student in psychology, University of Paris) under the supervision of Baptiste Fauvel (lecturer in psychology, University of Paris).
The data you provide would be very valuable to us, as it could help identify the areas of application of entactogens-assisted therapies and how they work.
Description of the survey
This survey is composed of several parts :
In the first part, you will pass a demographic questionnaire. After that, you will have to answer a few questions about your significant experience with an entactogen. Finally, you will pass three questionnaires related to your psychological functioning.
The entire survey should take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. You can save your answers and resume later. By doing so you will be required to provide an email address. A link will be emailed to you in order to reload your answers (please, make sure to provide a valid email address).
Some questionnaires need to be completed twice (i.e. one time for the time period preceding your psychedelic experience and one more time for the time period following your psychedelic experience), so please be careful.
It may sometimes be difficult to give precise answers to questions about events that occurred in the past, please try to be as accurate and honest as possible.
Questions you must answer to pursue the questionnaire are indicated with a red asterisk, otherwise, you can skip the question if you are uncomfortable with it.
We won't collect your IP address or identifying information. All the collected data are anonymous and securely stored. You can stop the questionnaires or withdraw from this study at any time without any justification. You also have the right to object at any time, and request for your data to be deleted by contacting Mathilde Cognet (mathildecgnt@gmail.com).
You can also ask for the global results of the study.
Finally, feel free to contact the corresponding researchers of this study :
It is necessary to refer to a single past experience with an entactogen that was meaningful to you (if you have had several of these experiences, please choose one and refer only to this one for the rest of the questionnaire).
This experience can be as far as you want, the important thing is to be able to remember your feelings and to compare the before/after.
Looking back on the entirety of the experience you had after taking the entactogen, please rate the degree to which at any time during that session you experienced the following phenomena.
How I typically act towards myself in difficult times
Please read each statement carefully before answering.
Compare how often you behaved this way before and after your significant experience with an entactogen.
This scale measures the impact of social anxiety on your life through different scenarios.
Read each situation correctly and answer both questions.
The first question asks you how anxious or scared you feel about the given situation.
The second question asks you how often you avoid this given situation.
If a situation doesn't sound familiar, imagine how you would react in that situation and respond accordingly.