Welcome to the Application for the School of transformational business conducted by Youth with a Mission Hurlach. Thank you that you consider becoming a student and be part of our great community at the Castle in Hurlach. Since 1972 we are placed in Hurlach, a small village between Augsburg and Landsberg am Lech.
Our goal for this school is, that your intimicy with God is growing and you find anwsers on your question about your calling concerning business.
This six week seminar dives into the biblical foundation of “Business With A Mission” (BWAM), and trains participants in the basics of starting a business as missions business. It brings present day and historical examples of how business can be used for transformation to places that are closed to the Gospel as well as empowering the poor and needy and to use business as a way to bring transformation to communities.
Topics: Understanding the concepts and history of missions and BWAM in particular, entrepreneurship, creating vision and mission statements, developing a business plan, marketing, innovation, sales and distribution, risk-taking in faith, and discipleship and leadership in business, presentation of a businessplan, etc.