This award is named in honor of Gus A. Zuehlke, a past Chairman of the Fox Cities Chamber Board of Directors. In the spirit of Gus’s passion for serving his community, this award is designed to honor an individual who has made outstanding contributions through leadership in the business community and service during his/her years as a Chamber member. This is an individual who has been a job creator through their business endeavors and has made significant contributions as a driver of economic development growth in the Fox Cities.
The recipient of this award will have a $5,000 award/grant donated in their name to a charitable organization of their choice.
Applications for the Gus A. Zuehlke Distinguished Service Award should be based on the candidate's ability to:
>exemplify the highest business standards and ethics.
> sincerely give their time and leadership through an overall community development program.
> improve the economic, civic, and cultural well-being of the business community.
> have a proven track record of continued promotion of business growth and prosperity in our community.
Applications are due on October 31, 2024.
Additional outside information in the form of letters of recommendation are encouraged but not required.
Eligibility Requirements:
> Must be commmited to the mission and values of the Fox Cities Chamber.
> Must conduct or have conducted business within the Fox Cities (Outagamie, Calumet, Northern Winnebago).
> Previous nominees are eligible for re-nomination the following year.
> Businesses and individuals can only win one award per year, even if nominated in multiple categories. This will allow for more to be recognized.
> All nominations are considered at the discretion of the selection committee.
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Award recipients will be recognized in a ceremony on January 21, 2025, at the Best Western Premier Bridgewood Resort Hotel.
Register here