Submit Your Freaky Friday Story
If you have an odd but true story - maybe you've encountered Bigfoot, you've seen a UFO, you had a brush with true crime, or you've felt the presence of an otherworldly being, tell us about it below!
Tell us about yourself
What can we call you on air?
What are your pronouns?
Type of Story
Please Select
Alien Encounter
Brush with True Crime
Cryptid Contact
Paranormal Experience
Questions and Details:
Subject Line
Tell us your story
It is helpful to us if you break your story into paragraphs and use periods, commas, etc. Some folks find it easier to type their stories somewhere else (like Word or a notes app) then paste it here.
Can you confirm that you wrote this story, that it happened to YOU (or you have permission to share), and that we can read it on the air?
Do you have any evidence? If so, upload it below or email it to with your name, the words "Freaky Friday evidence," and the subject line you provided above. By uploading this media, you agree that Sinisterhood may use it on the air, in videos, or on social media. If you'd like to upload it for our eyes only, just let us know in the body of your submission. Thanks!
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