In submitting this application, I understand and agree that: *
1. The PAVE scholarship program is open to paid up members of FEI only.
2. For 2024/25, the PAVE program is for females currently employed in a senior finance capacity in the Human Services sector. FEI is responsible for determining eligibility based on general information and the information supplied.
3. No applicant is guaranteed to qualify or be awarded a PAVE scholarship, even if invited to apply.
4. To remain eligible, shortlisted applicants must be available on Monday 9 December or Wednesday 11 December 2024 for finalist interviews.
5. FEI’s decision on scholarship awards is final.
6. Unsuccessful applicants cannot be refunded their FEI part-year Membership Fee. Applicants will remain a member of FEI until 31 March 2025 unless they voluntarily resign.
7. As an FEI Member I will adhere to the FEI Code of Conduct.
8. As an FEI Mentee I will be bound by the Conditions of participating in the FEI Mentoring Program that apply to all mentees and mentors.
9. All matching with Mentors is at FEI’s discretion.
10. If I am awarded a PAVE scholarship I agree to provide feedback on my experience to the FEI Board, and speak or engage in reasonable media requests if invited.