Customer(s) agree that tanks and equipment supplied by Onsite Propane including above ground tanks, below ground tanks, regulators, fittings, gas piping or any associated part of the aforementioned are the sole property of Onsite Propane. Customer will allow Onsite Propane access to all products at any timefor repair, maintenance, servicing, service or removal. Customer shall not allow nor solicit any other company to utilize equipment owned by Onsite Propane.
For delivery efficiency all accounts will be automatice delivery.
Once a delivery has been made, payment for product shall be made within 15 days unless agreed upon otherwise in writing. All accounts with balances over 30 days are subject to interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. Customer agrees to pay any and all costs of collecting overdue accounts.
Checks returned to us by the bank will result in a $35.00 fee.
Applicant and Co-Applicant are jointly responsible for all costs incurred through this account.
Applicant(s) agree to review all safety information and Onsite Propane policies and procedures prior to signing this document.