Registration form
This form is to be completed by all new clients; all information is kept in accordance with our Privacy Policy and GDPR regulations.
Full Name (of the person attending, this will be used for any certificates).
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Number
Do you (the Human) have any allergies or medical conditions that we need to know about (such as peanut allergy)
Emergency contact details (Name, contact number and relationship).
Dog's name
Dog's age
Dog's breed
How is your dog around new people?
How is your dog around new dogs?
Does your dog take part in any sports (agility, IGP etc)
If you answered yes above, what sport?
Does your dog have any behavioural issues we need to know about? (reactive to people/dogs for example).
Has your dog ever bitten someone?
Does your dog have any medical conditions?
If you answered YES above please provide details below.
Is there anything else we need to know about your dog?
Please tick to confirm that you have told us about any behavioural issues your dog has.
I Confirm that I have told you about any behavioural issues my dog has
Please confirm that you agree to our Terms & Conditions (
I Confirm that I agree to Borders Mantrailing & Scent Training Terms & Conditions
Should be Empty: