I consent to the following statements:
- I am the legal parent / guardian of this young person
- I consent to the above young person attending the programmes and participating in the activities organised by and under the auspices of the above-named Bahá'í administrative body. I am aware of the nature and scope of the activities the young person may be engaged in
- I agree that in a situation where the young person does not adhere to the participants agreement – e.g. acting with violence, or any other inappropriate behaviour – the organisers are permitted to send the participant home or carry out another appropriate course of action
- I agree that the organisers may exercise my parental responsibility for the duration of the event as they may consider reasonably necessary
- I authorise the organisers to seek medical attention for my child as they deem necessary in case of emergency or concern
- I have been made aware that multiple teachers/animators/tutors will be working with the young person, and that they will always have obtained clearance to work with young people
- I agree that my child is held responsible for looking after their own personal items brought with them to the programmes, and will not hold the organisers responsible for any damage or loss to these items
- I consent to details of the group, including the name of my child, being kept confidentially in the Bahá’í Institute for Community Building records