Glocal Declaration
We write this glocal declaration knowing the time that we are in: a time of ecofacism and a growing threat of Global North-provoked nuclear war. Faced with global demands of system change and communities compelled into resistance to redress the impacts on them of the world-wide climate and ecological crisis, the response of the dominant powers is militarisation to repress and iradicate all forms of resistance.
This declaration is as an assertion of our shared efforts in defending our indigenous and peoples’ rights, Mother Earth rights, and commitment to building our communities for a world of peace, justice and Planet Repairs. An assertion of our peoples’ right to an education capable of defending the best interests of our communities, especially a just peace.
Planet Repairs means taking back power for our collective liberation, in the ways we think and be, in the relationship with our lands and Mother Earth, and in reclaiming true sovereignty. We are compelled to make serious changes.
Throughout the Majority World, the colonised peoples of the world and the oppressed classes of the world from Asia, Abya Yala, Afrika, Oceania, and Europe are being increasingly attacked by a system that is against life, organised by an establishment minority.
For our communities this means: heightening repression through state, state-sanctioned, non-state and paramilitary reactionary violence; the persecution, criminalisation and surveillance of those defending our Mother Earth, peoples and human rights; attempts to isolate, invisibilise, and marginalise struggles in order to destroy them with impunity; the rise of miseducation and misinformation through the controlling of mass media, and imposing a ‘universal’ occidental truth that erases our knowledges and histories; an increasingly militarised turn to fascism and ecofascism in the face of the escalating climate and ecological crises and the ongoing pillaging of our lands, waters and resources globally.
We cannot have education that is training desk-killers and preparing us for carrying out acts of genocide and ecocide; it should be that we are tested on critical reasoning and providing actual quality services and practical solutions to the problems facing our communities - which calls for the end of the current examination system and other colonial impositions of eurocentric white-supremacist miseducation. By focusing on educating people to meet the needs of their communities through action-learning (learning-on-the-job) there will be full employment in community service for everybody, thereby eradicating unemployment. Communities should be represented in all education as indigenous and community co-educators, employing our communities in classrooms to support the effective education of communities.
The liberation we fight for requires our coming together, turning our institutions, resources, and communities over to the service of a world of peoples’ power of the Global Majority. All peoples must be in power, working together for Planet Repairs.
We declare the need for all institutions, spaces and education to be in service to communities of resistance globally and communities and peoples locally.
We declare the imperative to be building and strengthening institutions that are capable of defending our peoples’ rights to life, sovereignty and self determination globally and secure those that are striving to guarantee those rights.
We declare the need to be building dialogue, access and solidarity between communities, institutions and resources for equity - for the global recommoning of knowledges, wisdoms, spiritualities and cosmovisions. Sharing our knowledges for glocal power building.
We Declare our peoples’ commitment to:
The emancipation of all peoples in a pluriversal world, ubuntudunia, un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos;
Self-determination and peoples’ sovereignty in: education, food, land, housing and work;
Determine the political, economic and cultural destiny of our communities. Respecting our rights to self-governance in line with our traditions and customs towards a multipolar world of peoples in power;
The freedom from all miseducation, neocolonial violence, malgobiernos, patriarchal violence, discrimination, mass incarceration;
In so doing institutions like SOAS must necessarily be accountable to the needs of communities of resistance and practice who are building this world, taking back their lands, power, forms of knowledge, education, and sovereignty.
We the undersigned people of conscience, communities of resistance, networks, and formations, offer our Peoples’ Glocal Declaration of Planet Repairs Action Learning, October 2022, for the Planet Repairs Action Learning Educational Revolution (PRALER).
Majority World Internationalist Solidarity Coordinating Council of Communities of Resistance (MWISCCCOR) - Interim Steering Committee - PRALER
Global Majority Vs. Campaign (GMVs)
Stop the Maangamizi: We Charge Genocide/Ecocide Campaign
Maangamizi Educational Trust (MET)
Extinction Rebellion Internationalist Solidarity Network (XRISN)
Extinction Rebellion Being the Change Affinity Network (XR-BCAN)
Radical Youth Space for Educations (RYSE)
Glocal Afrikan Reparations Forum of London (GARFOL)
Global Afrikan People’s Parliament (GAPP)
Pan Afrikan Forum for Internationalist Solidarity Coordinating Council
Global Majority for Planet Repairs Society (GM4PR)
Vidya Safari Moksha (VSM)
Grassroots Women’s Internationalist Solidarity Action Network (GWISAN)
Afro ID
SANKOFAKUUMBA Pan-Afrikan Community Glocal Education Complex
Somos Semillas Complex of Popular Education