The Global Competence Certificate (GCC) is a course for educators, developed by AFS to deepen understanding of identity, awareness of others, navigating interpersonal relationships, and taking action in an ever-evolving global world. The program consists of 20 self-paced modules and 5 live dialogue sessions, typically 90 minutes per session. The self-paced modules include short videos, quizzes, an online forum, and brief homework assignments. Most GCC classes are conducted over 5-6 weeks.
In 2023, AFS-USA plans to offer this course to educators –teachers, counselors, administrators, etc.—from the U.S. and another country. We are seeking AFS-USA volunteers who are interested in becoming certified facilitators of the GCC course, and to then co-facilitate at least one or two GCC courses for these educators in 2023. As a facilitator, your primary role is to co-facilitate the 5 live dialogue sessions for each course. Your comfort with facilitating participants who may have English language difficulties is a plus.
While we’re happy to fund your certification as a facilitator, this comes at a cost to AFS-USA. Therefore, we ask that you only register if you are prepared to engage as a co-facilitator of at least 1-2 courses in 2023. The facilitator training is available either November 8, 5-7pm Eastern, or November 10, 9-11am Eastern.
You can learn more about the GCC for Educators course here, and about the facilitator training here. If you have questions about this opportunity, please contact Jill Woerner,; tel: 646-381-3309.