Terms and Conditions for using the Timing Transponders
I understand that I will collect my timing transponders from the registration area before my first race and I am responsible for this device for the duration of the competition.
In collecting my timing transponders, I agree:
- To treat these devices with care and avoid using in a way that will cause damage or loss to these devices
- It is my responsibility to ensure my timing transponders are securely fastened to me prior to entering and exiting the water
- It is my responsibility to bring these timing transponders to the venue on every day I am competing
- I understand that without my timing transponders, I will not be eligible to compete in my chosen events and replacements will not be provided
- It is my responsibility to return these transponders to the Clerk of Course following the completion of my last event
- If for any reason I intentionally damage or fail to return these transponders, I will be liable to pay the replacement fee of $115.50 (incl. GST) per transponder
- I understand this fee is to be paid to Swimming Australia within 30 days
- I understand entry into future Swimming Australia meets will not be granted if payment has not been made