Please read the following information and acknowledge that you understand and accept all provisions by signing below.
I acknowledge and understand that while the goal of this treatment is superficial exfoliation and the removal of vellus hair (peach fuzz), I may receive added improvements such as reduction in the appearance of fine lines & temporary fading of pigmentation. I acknowledge that the Dermaplaning treatment is not an exact science and that no specific guarantees can or have been made concerning the expected result. I understand that the degree of improvement is variable and occasionally will see no visible improvement and another form of treatment may be required.
I understand that this procedure uses a Dermaplaning blade, which is mildly abrasive therefore I will follow the explicit instructions of my skincare therapist.
I have been advised of any alternative treatments which may address my primary concerns.
I understand, that during the course of treatments, my skincare specialist may discover other or different conditions that may require additional procedures than planned. I understand that my skincare specialist may refer me to an appropriate medical care provider if necessary.
I understand that with any treatment certain risks are involved and that any complications or side effects from known or unknown causes could occur.
If I am prone to herpetic outbreaks, I understand that I may be advised to see a physician about appropriate prescriptions or supplements to control outbreaks prior to treatments. Take medicine 1 week prior to appointment.
I acknowledge that the success of my treatment depends on me and I have an obligation to follow the written and spoken instructions concerning pre and post treatment care in order to achieve optimal results.
I understand multiple treatments are recommended to see optimal results. The cost of treatment has been disclosed to me and I understand that payment is due at the time services are rendered.
I am over 18 years of age or have parental consent form signed and attached.
I will call to inform my skincare specialists of any complications or concerns as soon as they occur.